Expert Social Media Services
Without wanting to bombard you with more statistics on the growth of Social Media and why your business won’t live without it – or other scary stuff –Web Force 5 assumes that you have already worked out that you have to do something.
If not, attend one of our free education sessions. From that point Social Media becomes a business planning and execution issue. Our staff are experienced Social Media professionals having managed the Social Media strategies for some of the world’s largest events, brands and celebrities. Their experience combined with the transparency that the Web Force 5 Social Scoping tools bring to table allows us to quickly help you:
- Define the scope of the Social Media opportunity for your business
- Determine the social platforms that make sense for your business
- Investigate your content requirements and the timing of those requirements
- Establish the help you will need to implement / monitor / grow your social media strategy
By using the Web Force 5 Social Media planning tools we can help any business create a plan, including budget, that removes the ambiguity around what is required. So often social media “experts” talk in generalities without providing any clarity or substance to their proposals, requiring that you take a “leap of faith”. Good luck with that! Web Force 5 simply won’t take your money until there is a plan that can be measured and managed.